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Mr. & Mrs. C

Mr. & Mrs. C

Mint Hill, NC

After researching the product on the internet and reviewing the technical data we decided to give it a try. We were very please with the application of the product. We've already noticed the house being cooler than usual with the air conditioner running at the same setting.
Todd M

Todd M

Belmont, NC

I applied Liquid Ceramic® to a brick home that was constantly being hit by direct sunlight during the day. Before I put on the Liquid Ceramic® the brick was very warm to the touch. After applying the Liquid Ceramic® over the brick, the side of the house felt very cool even in the afternoon when the sun was hitting it.
Mr. & Mrs. Miller

Mr. & Mrs. Miller

Charlotte, NC

There was one spot on our house that always had mildew under the eave. No matter what we did, bleach and any other preventative, the mildew would always return. Since we had Liquid Ceramic® applied 9 months ago, the mildew hasn't returned and the spot still looks like new!
George & Judith W

George & Judith W

George & Judith W, Newland, NC

We live in the mountains. Liquid Ceramic® has weathered some monster snow storms and still looks as new as when it was first applied. We've had lots of nice compliments from our neighbors and love our custom color. We saved 20% on our heating bills this winter (and this is with a significant increase in cost per kilowatt!) Anybody looking at painting their house should look at Liquid Ceramic® because it insulates and it's permanency gives you the freedom of not having to do it year after year.
Mr. & Mrs. B

Mr. & Mrs. B

Mr. & Mrs. B, Charlotte, NC

I was very impressed with Liquid Ceramic® when I took a wire brush to a cured sample and couldn't scratch the surface. The house was cooler in the summer - even when we weren't running the air conditioner. The energy savings and longevity make it a win/win for everyone. I recommend it for anyone who's interested in the benefits.
Mr. & Mrs. C

Mr. & Mrs. C

Mr. & Mrs. C, Monroe, NC

We've been real pleased with the professional installation of Liquid Ceramic® and the product itself. We have noticed a savings on our energy usage. The coating is very durable. Woodpeckers were putting holes on all sides of our house. Since Liquid Ceramic® has been installed we have had no damage from the woodpeckers.
Robert (Bob) S

Robert (Bob) S

Robert (Bob) S, Quality Control, Burnaby, British Columbia

Since we build (high-rises) in a rainforest climate, the opportunities to apply exterior coating are sporadic depending on the time of year. One of the qualities of (Liquid Ceramic®) is that it can be applied on days when there may be a risk of precipitation during the night. This is not the case with other coatings. The coating also appears to stand up well to scuffing from suspended work platforms and bosun chairs, as I can attest to first hand.